About Foundation First
Who We Are
Foundation First is led by a dedicated, passionate team with extensive early childhood education knowledge and expertise. The Foundation First team is supported by an active volunteer Board comprised of community leaders, local business leaders, educational institutions, non-profit organizations, and local and state governments. We bring together families, businesses, community organizations and state and local agencies to strengthen existing early childhood education programs and implement new approaches where needed.
Foundation First serves the cities of Fredericksburg, Manassas and Manassas Park and the counties of Loudoun, Fauquier, Culpeper, Caroline, King George, Prince William, Spotsylvania and Stafford. We are actively aware that only 1 in 4 children in our region arrive in kindergarten with the basic skills to succeed. The lack of these foundational skills can impact their educational journey, their future success in the workplace, their personal health and their ability to thrive as an adult. We believe that supporting early childhood education is a smart investment with a proven return.
We are committed to transforming their lives because we know it will change our world.

All children birth to five have a solid foundation that leads to success.
To unify our community to promote equitable access to resources for all children birth to five.
Our Partners

Our Strategies

1. Systems Building
Provide professional development opportunities for the early care and education workforce.
- Coordinate workshops and conferences in the region
- Promote early childhood scholarship opportunities
- Facilitate learning communities and forums
Increase participation of early childhood providers and programs in VQB5.
- Participate in outreach activities in the community
- Advertise and market the VQB5 initiative
Establish a smooth transition for young children to enter kindergarten
- Provide resources and programs that support children’s health, nutrition, and safety
- Implement literacy activities and readiness events for children and families
- Coordinate a regional enrollment plan with all publicly funded childcare programs and school divisions

2. Public Engagement
Increase the level of public understanding as to the importance of early childhood development and education.
- Update legislators and community leaders in the region about the work of Foundation First
- Communicate the importance of the early childhood workforce pipeline to businesses
- Implement consistent branding and marketing and increase social media presence
Support parents with the knowledge and awareness of best practices, child development, and community resources.
- Conduct outreach activities and workshops in the community
- Provide materials and resources to assist families with young children
- Promote best practices and child development through social media and the Foundation First website
Collaborate with community partners.
- Promote peer learning and sharing among community partners
- Conduct quarterly Foundation First Community Task Force meetings
- Participate in community leadership committees, activities, and events

3. Sustainability
Cultivate a governance and operational structure that is representative of the region.
- Elect a Board of Directors that represents each area of our region
- Advocate for representation from varied sectors of the community which is inclusive of but not limited to health, human services, education, finance, and business
- Conduct an Annual meeting for the Board of Directors and meet quarterly
Maximize financial and organizational resources to build capacity.
- Expand partnerships with local businesses
- Conduct quarterly Foundation First Financial Committee meetings
- Identify and apply for mission-oriented grants and maintain a fundraising plan developed by the Public Engagement and Fundraising Committee
Identify and respond to the evolving needs of the community.
- Participate in data collection and research projects
- Document gaps, improvements, and outcomes
- Track indicators of school readiness at the child, family, and community levels

Our Goals

Establish and sustain an organizational structure that is representative of the community and has the authority, public support and resources to bring the positive changes for young children identified in the strategic plan.

Provide parents with access to information, education and support that will help them identify and meet the developmental, social, educational, and emotional needs of their children.

Improve the quality of early childhood care and education programs.

Increase the level of public understanding as to the critical importance of early childhood development.

Improve the health of young children, birth to five, by expanding the availability of and access to health services.