Coordinated Enrollment Services

Why Coordinated Enrollment?

Building Systems that Work for Families, Early Educators, and Communities

Coordinated enrollment is part of a broader vision for building Virginia’s unified system that ensures access to high-quality early childhood care and education (ECCE) for all Virginia families. ECCE providers serve children in a variety of settings. Private businesses (child care centers and family day homes) may offer early education, in programs administered through school systems, as part of Head Start or Early Head Start programs, through local municipalities, and in mixed delivery settings.

Families often do not know the range of ECCE options that are available to them. They may visit many websites, make multiple calls, apply to several ECCE programs, and still not receive the needed services. Coordinated enrollment helps alleviate these tensions.

Clear Options

Families understand their options and can make a well-informed decision for their child.

Disability Inclusions

Planned, purposeful inclusion of ECCE options for children with delays and disabilities.

Cross Collaboration

Collaboration across ECCE providers

Streamlined Efforts

Less duplication of efforts and reduced administrative burdens for providers

Efficiency & Stability

Fuller enrollment and stability for providers, which allows for efficient longer-term planning

Community Planning

Opportunity for community-wide planning and reflection on barriers to enrollment,
including an explicit focus on building equitable enrollment systems that prioritize the
children and families that are least likely to have access to quality ECCE.

Key Components

Family voice is integrated throughout coordinated enrollment as a critical driver of the work.

Want to learn more about Coordinated Enrollment?

Click the button below to explore the full Coordinated Enrollment Guide
for Ready Regions to learn more about common terms, best practices, tips for implementation, indicators of success, and more.