Quality Improvement Services
Measuring & Improving
VQB5 will measure the quality of infant, toddler and preschool teaching and learning based on two nationally-recognized quality indicators: Interactions and Curriculum.
An important feature of VQB5 is that measurement and improvement are connected and ongoing. VQB5 programs have many opportunities to reflect on their progress during the year using a continuous quality improvement cycle.
Coaching Collaborative Partners
Advancing Effective Interactions and Instruction (AEII)
Assist VQB5 programs (birth-to-five) in using data to improve the quality of teacher-child interactions, curriculum, and professional development, focusing particularly on classrooms with demonstrated need.
Training and Technical Assistance Centers
Provide professional development, technical assistance, and resources to school divisions, programs, and classrooms serving children ages 2-5 with Individualized Education Programs (IEP).
Low-to-no cost comprehensive birth-to-five curriculum option
For two initial groups of up to 2,000 classrooms, includes all guides and activities, a set of high-quality children’s books and targeted and customized professional development support, including direct coaching.
Cohort enrollment is required for full materials and PD support. Online materials and PD tools are available to all publicly funded early childhood programs in Virginia.
Virginia Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation
Helping early childhood teachers and families promote healthy social-emotional development of children from birth to age five in Virginia.
Is you child’s center participating in VQB5?
Check out our local area’s list. If you are moving, or have a family member or friend in another region in Virginia, you can see all of Virginia’s participating centers here.